Theater of War Frontline will use the following projects to serve communities online who have been on the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Frontline Highlights
Frontline EMS
On Zoom / 2020
Theater of War Frontline was presented with a focus on EMS and paramedics, we proudly collaborated with the FDNY EMS Help Fund. Anthony Almojera, Vice President Uniformed EMS Officers Union, Local 3621 FDNY, played the chorus, Amy Ryan played Tecmessa, and Chad Coleman played Ajax. The panel was composed of paramedics and EMS officers from around New York City.
Frontline: Mount Sinai
Frances McDormand, Frankie Faison and Marjolaine Goldsmith
on Zoom
You can read about Theater of War Frontline in The Lancet, The Washington Post, and Forbes.