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About the plays

  • The Trojan Women by Euripides

    The selected scenes from Euripides’ Trojan Women take place at the end of the Trojan War, after Hector has been slain and Troy has been destroyed. Andromache and her son Astyanax are led through the ruins of the city on a wagon with Hector’s helmet and amour piled next to them. Andromache is being taken away by Achilles’ son Neoptolemus to live as his concubine and slave. The women of Troy, who have all lost their husbands in battle, mourn Andromache’s fate, as well as their own. Suddenly, a herald arrives and announces that the Greek army has decided to execute Astyanax by throwing him off the Trojan towers to prevent him from one day avenging his father’s death. Andromache says goodbye to her son before he is taken away and executed by Odysseus and she is taken from Troy on Neoptolemus’ ship. In the final scene, Astyanax’ body is brought to his grandmother Hecuba, the Queen of Troy, and the play ends with a funeral procession in which Astyanax is buried on his father’s shield while the remains of Troy are burned to ashes.

  • Iliad, Book VI by Homer

    The Trojan warrior Hector is confronted by his wife Andromache, who begs him not to return to the battlefield where she knows he will die. Hector explains the reasons he must leave her and their young son Astyanax to go back to battle and to his inevitable death. As he parts ways with his family, Hector reaches out to embrace his son, but Astyanax recoils in fear at the sight of his father’s helmet, which Hector removes before kissing and holding his son one last time.

Cast Members

  • Debra Winger Headshot

    Debra Winger

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